Visibility Made Simple

with Fiona Dwyer

The image shows the word Awards in capitals letters coloured gold floating in the air above the ground with gold glitter falling all around it.

How to turn your award into media gold

November 28, 20243 min read

How to turn your award into media gold  

Winning an award is an incredible moment. It’s recognition for your hard work, your dedication and your ability to stand out in your industry. But are you making the most of it? 

The words 'How to turn your award into media gold' are written in gold in three lines across the screen with gold glitter falling all around them.

All too often, award winners stop at a quick social post and a mention in a newsletter.  And while that’s great, they’re missing out on a HUGE opportunity. 

An award is so much more than just a trophy gathering dust on the shelf. It’s a powerful PR tool that can help you:  

  • Build trust and credibility with your audience 

  • Position you as the go-to authority in your industry 

  • Attract high-value clients, speaking gigs, and partnerships 

  • Monetize your success and grow your business 

So, how do you take your award from a one-time celebration to a long-term business growth strategy?  

Step 1: Celebrate with Purpose 

The first step in leveraging your award is all about storytelling.  It’s not enough to post a quick "I won!" photo and hope your audience takes notice. 

Instead, craft a narrative around your win: 

  • Why did you enter this award in the first place? 

  • What does winning mean for you, your clients and your business? 

  • How does it showcase your expertise or unique approach? 

When you celebrate with purpose, you’re giving your audience a reason to connect with your story – and to see you as a leader in your space. 

Step 2: Leverage PR Channels 

Once you’ve crafted your story, it’s time to spread the word.  Too many business owners stop at social media, but your award deserves more attention. 

Think about these PR opportunities: 

  • Media Coverage: Write a press release or pitch your win to industry publications. Awards make for excellent stories that journalists love to cover. 

  • Website Updates: Add your award to your homepage or create a dedicated "Achievements" section to showcase your credibility. 

  • Email Newsletters: Share the news with your email list and let them celebrate with you. 

The goal here is to make sure your audience – and potential clients – know about your success. 


Step 3: Position Yourself as a Thought Leader 

An award win opens doors, but you need to walk through them. Use your new credibility to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry. 

Here’s how: 

  • Pitch yourself for speaking gigs at conferences or industry events. 

  • Offer to guest on podcasts or contribute articles to relevant publications. 

  • Share your insights and expertise on social media, tying them back to your award. 

This step isn’t just about promoting your win, it’s about leveraging it to solidify your authority and expand your influence. 


Step 4: Turn Recognition into Revenue  

Finally, it’s time to monetise your success.  An award gives you a unique window of opportunity to attract new clients, partnerships or sales. 

Here’s how to capitalise on it: 

  • Update your offers to include social proof of your award win.  For example, "Award-Winning [Insert Your Service or Product]." 

  • Use your newfound credibility to increase your prices or offer premium services. 

  • Create a marketing campaign around your win to drive leads and sales. 

Awards don’t sell themselves – but they can be a game-changer for your business when used strategically. Remember, the award is just the beginning.  What you do next can set you apart as a true industry icon. 


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Fiona Dwyer

I'm a journalist and former TV reporter and producer with 30+ years experience in the industry. I now teach business owners and entrepreneurs how to DIY their own PR and get themselves in the media.

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